Michael Morris
Speaker/Panelist 2017, 2016
Michael Morris is responsible for both Topcoder’s success and that of its customers/partners. He believes Topcoder’s 1 million+ strong, on demand global software development community will continue to redefine business. Second only to his passion for family—and perhaps waterskiing—Mike inspires with his connection to Topcoder since its founding, as well as the proof in how the world’s top competitive technology community revolutionizes enterprise software.
Previously with Appirio as GM, Mr. Morris led the customer innovation and sales/services teams to establish Topcoder as the premier crowdsourcing destination. He continues to empower companies with unprecedented access to talented technologists through the Topcoder Marketplace and Community.
Mr. Morris is a trusted executive, thought leader and speaker with the unique ability to manage/motivate across all levels/boundaries and he is an active Boston College alum – Go Eagles! Mr. Morris will make you a believer that Topcoder is more than a company; it’s a long awaited disruptive technology shift in software development.
- Topcoder investing in AI, capitalizing on cloud (2017-06-29)
- Week-in-Review: Highlights from MIT Sloan CIO Symposium (2016-05-20)