Redesigning the Digital Workplace
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm,
Kresge Little Theater
Kristine Dery, MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research (@kristinedery)
Allison Mnookin, QuickBase, Inc. (@AMnookin)
Michael Morris, Topcoder (@mpmorris36)
David Neitz, CDM Smith (@daveneitz)
Jim O'Neill, HubSpot (@jajoneill)
The digital workplace is about a fundamentally different way of working. Influence, networks, and dynamic decisions become much more important than power, hierarchies, static decisions, processes, and rules that made sense in a slow-moving, traditional environment. We will challenge some of the popular beliefs around collaboration and discuss how high performing firms are combining a series of management levers (the 6-Ss: symbols, space, systems, social, sustaining leadership, systemic learning) to build digital workplaces that simplify working life. We will also discuss the actions CIOs should take to create or improve the digital workplaces within their own companies.